
Friday 18 November 2011

Anti-Bullying/Anti-Violence Discussions & Media

This past week was anti-bullying week and thus it seemed an appropriate time to address certain aspects of the Gr. 7/8 health curriculum:

Gr. 7-assess the impact of different types of bullying or harassment on themselves & others and identify ways of preventing or resolving such incidents

Gr. 8-demonstrate the ability to assess situations for potential dangers and applying strategies for avoiding dangerous situations

We spent some time discussing these issues by first reviewing various media messages and youtube videos, such as:

Anti Bullying Commercial Words Hurt , Bystanders 'take the pledge'  and The Price of Silence
 The real-life footage of  Casey Haynes Incident in Australia.
Homophobic Bullying Rick Mercer Reports  RMR Rant Bullying #1  RMR Rant #2

We also had a guest speaker: Ms. Smith, our Vice Principal. She spoke to our class about her experiences and the bullying/violence she has seen in her education career.

Our emphasis was on strategies as a bystander & prevention, what options were available in certain scenarios, how to handle violence.

As a culminating task, students created a '3 word' message (similar to this great '3 word' project --though ours has an anti-bullying/violence focus). I took photos/video of their '3 words' and will be creating a media piece to display it. I have included a few examples here.

PS. The video has since been created and uploaded to our youtube page! 

1 comment:

  1. im a student in victoria texas and i think bullying is a major problem everywhere, i only stumbeled onto this page because my brother made a facebook page about stop bullying teens and i was looking for it but to find more teachers really pressing on the subject it makes me happy and sad at the sme time since most ppl will ignore the problem and blow it off and it makes me happy because i think more ppl should do more about this problem,i know its easier said then done but maybe now it is the time to take action.
