
Wednesday 7 December 2011

Before we cross the finish line...

Students, there are two and a half weeks left until the holidays and I just wanted to summarize a few things we have left to do before that end date:

-Video Game Review (due Friday the 16th!)
-Math Frames 4 videos  (due to my Frames 4 file folder by Friday the 9th)
-Math oral presentations (present a graph) (must be completed by Friday the 16th)
-Van Gogh LIne & Colour Art finished (must be completed by Friday the 16th)
-Independent Novel Study #1 (due Friday the 16th)

Please note: these are required for assessment purposes so they must be completed on time!

Also, lets not forget that Mindconnex in  Ireland will be Skyping with us regarding Shakespeare in Bits! Monday Dec. 12th!

Here are some other things I hope we can finish between now and the holiday!

-Just Dance Review (Reading Comprehension Re-do)
-Writing Analysis (how to bump up from a level 1-2-3)
-Goal Setting (based on feedback re: reading & writing)
-PopLit Lyrics started-using lyrics to determine main idea w/supporting proof, mood, point of view (we will carry this into January--it will evolve into an oral presentation and also we'll be looking at those aspects when we start  R&J in January--we will also be looking at character/setting/plot)
-Frames 4 independent projects finished
-CATS book talks

Whew! That is a lot still to lets keep our focus!

Soon I will be posting on what we can look forward to in the new year!

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