
Tuesday 15 September 2015

The 5 Main Components of My Literacy Program

I am teaching media & writing.

These are the 5 main components of my program:

  1. Free Write Journals: a space for students to creatively explore various writing forms and techniques. They can choose their own form/idea or respond to prompts.
  2. Critical Eye Journals: a reflection journal, wherein students study various writing samples and discuss audience, purpose, techniques and give opinions as to its effectiveness.
  3. Major Writing Assignments: a comprehensive writing piece, set to established criteria, which follow the writing process: brainstorm, first draft, edit, revised draft, completed product. 
  4. Media Maker Cycle Project: a year long Maker Cycle wherein students are both creators and audiences of media pieces centred on themes
  5. Media Critical Eye Journals: similar to the writing version, a reflection journal wherein students study various media and audience, purpose, techniques and give opinions on its effectiveness
There will may be the occasional 'other' piece but these will be the main focus of my Gr. 8 literacy program for the year. 

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